
My Goodness!!!!!!!!

I thought that I would check in....I actually added to my Krazy schedule! I joined bootcamp..again! I did it last year and I really enjoyed it, I have new and bigger goals this year so, I am back to work!! I go every morning @ 5:30 for an hour. I am sore and full of energy afterwards! I love it! (first week, I lost 4 lbs! )

I have been watching what I eat and drinking my MonaVie! I have a hard time consuming ALL of the right portions of my fruits and Vegetables, MonaVie helps me get ALL of my fruits in and then I eat my protein and two cups of Veggies. If I make a salad I still eat protein and two cups of veggies on top!!
Check out MonaVie
or you can watch a video of their story, click here.
I am a distributor, so if you have any questions I would be delighted to answer them.
So, this has been my latest adventure and I feel great!!


jenn goodman said...

Hi Natalie,
Thanks for your sweet comment on our blog. Nice to meet you! :)

I enjoy blog hopping too, especially when you hear these names all the times hanging out with the Allen's ... then putting faces to names


Kenyon said...

Good for YOU!!! That is SO cool Natalie. Monave gives me so much more energy, I love it. Good-luckw/ your goals, I KNOW you can do it!

Diane said...

i tagged you.. check out my blog!