
Wow! Can we be more creative?

I found this web site and I love it! I was actually looking to make my own laundry soap because I do so much laundry everday! I found this website and it has some great tips for a whole lot of things. I wanted to share it with everyone.... have fun!!


Helen Thomas Robson said...

that is a reallly cool site. I love finding ways to make different things. I will hold on to that when I am looking for ideas.

did you ever find how to make your own laundry soap?

Natalie said...

yes, one person had this for me:
I used 2 C. grated Zote, 1 C. washing soda, 1 C. borax, and 1/2 C. baking soda (for extra deodorizing). It powdered together nicely in my food processor, and I store it in an old biscotti container with a lid. This stuff works great -- gentle enough for my work clothes, but tough enough for my husband's exercise sweats. One tablespoon per load is plenty. I use white vinegar in my Downy ball for fabric softener and it gives me fluffy clothes without an obnoxious scent. Hurrah!

Anonymous said...

That is a cool website. Some of the things are funny. I have Zote soap in my temple bag because when I got married it got all of the makeup stains out of my clothes. Where do you find that now. I don't see it in the stores very often.