
StillMoms !!

Okay! I finally got my StillMoms Blog up and going.... This is to get things rolling. As some of you already know I am working on putting an actual web Site together. The blog is just that... a blog to get started. My web site will be a great hit and I will keep you posted. So share your resources, tips, and ideas! http://stillmom.blogspot.com/


Anonymous said...

I am glad you are doing that you have talked about it for a long time. Good luck with that!!! You are awesome.

Kenyon said...

What a GREAT idea Natalie! Good for you. What a go getter you are. It was a GREAT weekend and so good to see you. We should get together this month and just hang w/ the girls :) Love ya

The Porters said...

Yeah amazing my mom let me take a picture of her lol. Actually it was Taitum who took it. So you guys will be here in October? It would be fun to see you!

Angela said...

Hey Natalie! Are you going to the Merrill reunion the beginning of August? It would be great to see you and your family since the last I saw you was at G-Grandma Vera's funeral! I have had random run ins with some of your siblings and I've been thinking about you! In fact your brother Tommy is in my ward! Small world....

Michelle said...

You are so inspiring! A ton of fun and exciting things to look forward to. Thanks!